How To Set Up an Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) Logging Stack on Kubernetes
I write this to complete the Kubernetes challenge from Digital Ocean. I executed the command from Windows 11.
Step 1 — Creating Kubernetes Cluster
First, creating a Kubernetes cluster:
doctl k8s cluster create k8s-chl `
--auto-upgrade=false `
--node-pool “name=k8s-chl;size=s-4vcpu-8gb-amd;count=3;tag=k8s-chl;label=type=basic;auto-scale=true;min-nodes=2;max-nodes=4” `
--region sgp1
This is the output:
Notice: Cluster is provisioning, waiting for cluster to be running
Notice: Cluster created, fetching credentials
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in “C:\\Users\\comsy/.kube/config”
Notice: Setting current-context to do-sgp1-k8s-chl
ID Name Region Version Auto Upgrade Status Node Pools
cb8a6f5c-716d-4d93-aaf0–4378e6cf5f2d k8s-chl sgp1 1.21.5-do.0 false running k8s-chl
Next, set kubectl
context to point to my cluster:
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save k8s-chl
The output looks similar to this:
Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in “C:\\Users\\comsy/.kube/config”
Notice: Setting current-context to do-sgp1-k8s-chl
Test connection to my cluster:
kubectl get namespaces
This is the output:
default Active 8m39s
kube-node-lease Active 8m40s
kube-public Active 8m40s
kube-system Active 8m40s
Step 2— Creating a Namespace
Creating a namespace with creating and editing file logging.yaml:
Create the namespace:
kubectl create -f .\logging.yaml
The output should be like the following:
namespace/logging created
I check a namespace was successfully created:
kubectl get namespaces
The output:
default Active 33m
kube-node-lease Active 33m
kube-public Active 33m
kube-system Active 33m
logging Active 2m35s
Step 3 — Creating the Headless Service
Creating the Headless Service with creating and editing file es_svc.yaml:
Create the service:
kubectl create -f .\es_svc.yaml
This is the output:
service/elasticsearch created
This is to check:
kubectl get services -n logging
The output should be like this:
elasticsearch ClusterIP None <none> 9200/TCP,9300/TCP 90s
Step 4— Creating the Elasticsearch StatefulSet
Creating the Elasticsearch Statefulset with creating and editing file es_statefulset.yaml:
I use ElasticSearch 7.16.0.
Deploy the StatefulSet:
kubectl create -f es_statefulset.yaml
The following output:
statefulset.apps/es-cluster created
Monitor the StatefulSet:
kubectl rollout status sts/es-cluster -n logging
The output should be like the following:
Waiting for 3 pods to be ready…
Waiting for 2 pods to be ready…
Waiting for 1 pods to be ready…
partitioned roll out complete: 3 new pods have been updated…
Check my Elasticsearch cluster is working properly:
kubectl port-forward es-cluster-0 9200:9200 -n logging
Browsing with browser:
The output should be like the following:
Step 5— Creating the Kibana Deployment and Service
Creating the Kibana with creating and editing file kibana.yaml:
I use Kibana 7.16.0.
Deploy Kibana:
kubectl create -f .\kibana.yaml
The output:
service/kibana created
deployment.apps/kibana created
Get the Kabana pod details:
kubectl get pods -n logging
An example of the output:
es-cluster-0 1/1 Running 0 15m
es-cluster-1 1/1 Running 0 15m
es-cluster-2 1/1 Running 0 14m
kibana-5555fffb64-qvxzv 1/1 Running 0 60s
Forward local port 5061 to 5061 on Kibana pod:
kubectl port-forward kibana-5555fffb64-qvxzv 5601:5601 -n logging
Browsing with browser:
The output should be like this:
Step 6— Creating the Fluentd DaemonSet
Creating the Fluentd DaemonSet with creating and editing file fluentd.yaml:
Execute this to create:
kubectl create -f fluentd.yaml
The output:
serviceaccount/fluentd created created created
daemonset.apps/fluentd created
While the Kibana GUI is still open, navigate to http://localhost:5061.
Click Discover:
Click “Create index pattern”:
Fill Name with logstash-*
, fill Timestamp filed with @timestamp
and then click “Create index pattern”.
Click again Discover and it will show:
Step 7 — Testing Container Logging
Create and edit file counter.yaml:
Deploy counter pod:
kubectl create -f counter.yaml
The output:
pod/counter created
From the Discover page, fill in the search bar with kubernetes.pod_name:counter
It shows that our logging is working properly.